Finish Line in Sight for US Corn Harvest, Soybeans Done

With good weather this week, the US corn harvest should be close to wrapping up. The soybean harvest is virtually complete.

According to Monday’s USDA crop progress report, 93% of the nationwide corn crop was in the bin as of Sunday, up 5 points from a week earlier and 2 points ahead of the five-year average. Last year at this time, the corn harvest was 96% done.

In the top corn production states of Iowa and Illinois, the corn harvest is complete.

The Indiana corn harvest was 90% complete as of Sunday, up from 82% a week earlier but still 4 points behind average.

Elsewhere near the Great Lakes, the corn harvest made good strides this past week but remains behind normal. In Michigan, just 67% of the corn crop was off as of Sunday, an advance of 15 points on the week but 8 points behind the state average. The Ohio corn harvest was 81% complete, compared to 68% the previous week and 83% on average.

The North Dakota corn harvest was 10 points ahead of average at 87% done as of Sunday, up from 76% a week earlier.

As for the soybean harvest, it is complete nationwide. There are probably a few fields still out here and there. However, the USDA is no longer reporting nationwide data.

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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