Manitoba Seeding Now Ahead of Average Pace 

Rapid progress in the fields this past week has Manitoba planting now slightly ahead of the average pace. 

Tuesday’s weekly crop report showed planting across the province at 30% complete, up from just 4% a week earlier. That is far ahead of just 3% last year and a single point ahead of the five-year average. 

Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil and weather conditions. Soil temperatures were adequately warm and the seeding of more sensitive crop types such as soybeans has begun, the report said. 

Spring wheat and barley are sitting at 58% complete across the province with the Central region being the most advanced at 80% complete. Early planted fields have started to emerge. 

Winter cereal fertilizer applications are complete with field survival at 85-95% and only a few fields terminated. Winter cereal stands were growing rapidly and tillering in the warm temperatures with fields greening up dramatically. 

Canola planting is 6% done across the province, with sunflowers estimated at 13% done.  

Field pea planting is at 72% complete and soybeans 15%. 

Recent rains have helped stimulate pasture growth and the landscape is greening up nicely, the report said. Hay fields are in good shape, although icy conditions experienced this winter may have taken their toll on alfalfa plants in some locations. Those producers experiencing substantial winterkill are planting annual crops such as corn and sudan grass to offset the potential loss in feed production. Fertilization of hay and pasture acres is nearly complete. 

Several beef cattle operations have made the move to pasture, particularly in the south-east corner of the province. Others located farther north, continue to hold animals in winter feeding areas or on sacrifice pastures to allow the grass more time for growth. 

Precipitation amounts across the province this past week ranged from 0 mm to 40.3 mm. The Southwest and Central regions received the highest amounts of precipitation.  


Significant rainfall occurred early in the week in the Southwest region. Sinclair and Pierson areas received 40 mm of rain, while most other areas on the south and north sides of the region received 20-30 mm. The slow rain replenished subsoil moisture and did not run off, resulting in very little ponding. During the past week, daytime temperatures ranged from 25 to 30°C, while minimum overnight temperatures ranged from 6.2 to -0.8°C, with daily averages around 11.5 to 13.5°C. The high temperatures provided farmers with a good opportunity to make progress in seeding.  

Cereal seeding is 30 to 40% complete, and some early-seeded crops are emerging well. Soybeans are 5-7% complete. Pea seeding is 60% complete. Farmers are transitioning to soybean, oat, and corn for the moment as soil temperatures rise. Some acres of grain corn are planted, with forage corn likely to follow. 


Precipitation in parts of the Northwest region at the start the week was followed by warm temperatures and high winds to help dry fields. The weather allowed for field preparation, fertilizing, and seeding. Moisture is adequate, however there are fields that are holding water and need good drying conditions.  

Field pea seeding continues with progress at 65-70% complete, with Roblin/Swan River being more advanced. Earliest seeded field peas have germinated and are just beginning to emerge. Spring wheat seeding progressed nicely across the region. Progress varies with some operations completed while others are just starting. Overall progress is approximately 65% complete. Earliest seeded wheat has emerged. Canola seeding has begun across the region except for The Pas. Soybean seeding is underway in the Swan River and Dauphin area. 


The week was mostly dry, warm, and windy allowing for much activity to take place. Most of the region received less than 5 mm rainfall, however the southwest part of the region received much more, with Cartwright (32.4 mm), Clearwater (21.7 mm) and Baldur (19.7 mm) receiving the most. Temperatures were warmer, with highs for the week between 26 and 31°C degrees and no frost reported overnight. Over the weekend, smoke from forest fires located around Flin Flon and The Pas drifted across the Central region reducing visibility and air quality.  

Seeding has progressed with spring wheat, barley and oats is at 80% complete. Much of the early seeded cereals are at the one to two leaf stage. Field peas are at 90%, soybeans at 30% and canola at 15% complete in the Central region. Sunflower seeding progress is at 25% complete. The proportion of each crop seeded varies greatly at the local level across the region, with percentage of crops in the ground generally lower in the north of the Central region, and higher in the south. 


Rainfall accumulations across the Eastern region last week ranged from none to slightly over 10 mm with most areas experiencing less than 5 mm of rainfall. Daytime and nighttime temperatures last week were above normal reaching a peak of 30 C on Saturday. However, temperatures rapidly dropped to below seasonal on Sunday and Monday with nighttime lows close to freezing. Producers made rapid progress on seeding and field work activities. Field accessibility improved dramatically, and seedbed moisture levels were sufficient to excellent at seeding depth. Soil temperatures were adequately warm and the seeding of more sensitive crop types such as soybeans has begun.  

Winter cereal fertilizer applications are complete with field survival at 95% and only a few fields terminated. Winter cereal stands are growing rapidly and tillering in the warm temperatures with fields greening up dramatically as compared to the previous week. 

Overall, spring seeding is around 40% complete with approximately 70% of spring wheat and oat acres in the ground. Some very early seeded wheat has emerged and is in the one to two leaf stage. As well, about 55% of corn acres has been planted with most producers concentrating on getting their corn and cereal acres in first. 


Wet and rainy weather continued during the week in most parts of the Interlake region. Rainfall amounts varied from 5 to 30 mm depending on location. Strong winds over the weekend helped to dry fields. Corn seeding is approximately 50% complete, field peas at 35% and spring cereals at 25% across the region.  

Seeding progress is further advanced in the south Interlake with corn seeding estimated at 60%, soybeans at 15%, peas at 40% and spring cereals at 40%. With soil conditions improving, more seeding progress is expected in the northern parts of the Interlake. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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